The Bait Bunker
Live and frozen bait…tackle…snacks…cuppa tea

Sharron Green opened the Bait Bunker in June 2018 at the Elphinstone car park. Her first thought was that it would be very seasonal being ideally situated on the pier right next to the sea but was pleasantly surprised that plenty of winter species are also caught right next to the shop.

Sharron runs competitions from the Bait Bunker twice weekly which are well attended. She sells all live baits including rag, lug, peeler crab and all frozen baits. Also a good selection of rods, reels and end tackle plus rod and reel kits for people who want to give fishing a try. The taster package costs just £5 for two hours.
Fishing from the Elphinstone car park is surprisingly brilliant and varied with conger, thornback ray, bass, garfish, gilthead and Couches bream, plaice, flounder, mackerel, whiting, scad, wrasse, mullet, red mullet, cod and gurnard all taken at various times of the year.
Fishing is safe and easy for children who can have fun with catching harbour crabs down the side of the wall. Excellent access for disabled anglers.

The Bait Bunker has a facebook page and bait can be ordered by messaging Sharron on 07368429992.